Hillsboro Bridge Shelter
(Formerly Econo Lodge)
Program Overview
Washington County purchased the Econo Lodge Motel at 622 SE 10th Avenue in Hillsboro with grant funding from Oregon’s Project Turnkey. Project Turnkey is a program created by the Oregon Legislature for the purpose of acquiring motels and hotels to serve as temporary housing for people experiencing homelessness. In July 2021 GGNW took over the oversight and management of this program. This project allows the County to provide additional short-term respite shelter options during the COVID-19 pandemic and support those experiencing chronic homelessness in our community.
The shelter primarily serves as a bridge for people who are almost into long-term housing. Giving them stability so they can connect with Case Workers and the Housing Navigation Program to transition to sustainable permanent housing.
Our case managers can be reached at leads@greatergoodnw.org and our wellness team consists of Jensine Peterson jpeterson@greatergoodnw.org and Jennifer Aguirre jaguirre@greatergoodnw.org